The Secret to Looking Younger and Living Calmer with Rejuvology

What is Rejuvology?

Rejovlogy is the face rejuvenating system created by Abigail James.

abigail james rejuvology

When we think of face ageing we might immediately think of the skin, the lines and wrinkes we can see. However, ageing is a whole body process, not just involving the external skin, but the multi faceted layers underneath, The muscles, fat, bones and fascia, combined with the blood and lymphatic circulatory systems. All of which do not stop at the forehead or jawline! The face is an expressive extension connected to our whole body, scalp, neck, decollete and not forgetting the impact stress on the ageing process and clarify of our skin.

Abigail has spent decades learning and practicing in clinic, working with the face and the body, both holistically and with a scientific approach. Perfecting her massage methods and building up the skillset and knowledge which form Rejuvotherapy.  Developed over 20 years, combining techniques from Eastern & Western forms of massage, Manual lymphatic drainage, yoga and mindfulness all forming the practice of Rejuvotherapy.


What is Rejuvotherapy?

Rejuvotherapy is a complimentary therapy combining science and theory of the facial rejuvenating massage that forms the Abigail James Signature methods for facial rejuvenation. Working with the muscles, connective tissues and lymphatic systems of the face, neck and head.

Effective in the treatment of facial rejuvenation and promoting deep relaxation and wellbeing, reducing stress while reviving your face. Enabling you to look good and feel well, inside and out. This is a bespoke natural face lift, designed to revive, redefine, and de-toxify your complexion, using hands-on sculpting, contouring and facial-lymphatics.

Rejuvotherapy takes into consideration all of the intricacies of ageing. The benefits are both physical and emotional, supporting you on your ageing well journey, helping you to look and feel more confident, calm and happy.

“It’s an amazing natural face lift that also helps reduce stress and develop self-confidence”

Transformative facial massage that sculpts the face, working on the fascia, muscles and connective tissue. Naturally supporting volume and reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles, while decreasing puffiness, through facial lymphatics.

Rejuvology is a non-surgical, non-invasive alternative to face lifts and other facial rejuvenation treatments. The goal of this treatment is to naturally support your ageing well journey. Rejuvotherapy can be used alongside other methods of facial treatments, both natural and clinical, as well as pre and post surgery.


What are the benefits of Rejuvotherapy?

Refined facial contour

More youthful appearance 

Reduced swelling and puffiness

Increased blood flow and circulation

Improved lymphatic flow 

Skin vibrance and glow 

Improved sinus drainage

TMJ support 

Reduced muscle tension 

Improvement in muscle pain 

Brining about a sense of calm

Reduced stress 

Improved energy 


Rejuvology is the perfect antidote to ageing well, naturally.

To book a treatment with Abigail click here 

If you are a qualified therapist interested in training in Rejuvology with Abigail, follow this link to register your interest.


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